Magnetic Personalities: HappyLanders talk SPACE TRAVEL

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in HappyLand, February 10th - 25th!

Today we asked: If you could have your very own spacecraft, what would it be like? The Enterprise? The TARDIS? The Death Star? The Millennium Falcon? Where would you visit first?


Paula O’Brien, Actor

The Tardis! Love all that extra room indoors. I’d be happy to just get from one side of the earth to the other in a flash and not have to go through immigration control or baggage claim.


Jason Phillips, Director

I think I’d want something spacious like the Enterprise. I think being out in the cosmos would make one feel small and alone so having a spacecraft that emulated home would be comforting. Where would I go? Hmmm…beyond this galaxy in search of other life.


Gina McDaniel, Actor

My spaceship would definitely be a TARDIS, I would love the ability to time travel and not having to worry about storage space! The first place I would visit is Neptune, it's always been my favorite planet in the solar system.


Zack Knox, Playwright, Musician, Smooth Goose

It would just be a convertible with a bubble on top like in Calvin and Hobbes. I would sell it to Elon Musk for 44 billion dollars and just stay here on earth because space is big and cold and all my stuff is here.


Quinn Terry, Actor

This is going to be so boring...but I am terrified of space and the idea of space travel. I'm a simple soul. I like Earth. I have literally evolved to live here. There's a reason we can't breathe under water or out in space! Stay outta the ocean, and stay away from the cosmos. It's ok to appreciate things from the safety of land.


Dwight Chiles, Actor

Totally piloting the Tardis...and because of the timey wimey space travel...gonna go see all the Opening Night Performances of my favorite shows.


Sharvis Smith, Actor

The Fermata...would go to see music things around the world for however long we wanted.


Evan Eckstrom, Actor, Set Designer/Builder/Painter

Think much more capri sun commercial from the 90's meets classic Silver Surfer comics. Very mercurial goopy suit that allows me to slip thru the void like a cosmic whip crack. I'd head to the direct center of our sun. POOF!


Morgan Miller, Actor

My space ship would look like the Millennium Falcon but with puppies all over it and inside there is a special room full of puppies (well taken care of) that you can play with at anytime. I have no clue where I’d want to go, I struggle to pick a restaurant to eat at, much less a planet to visit- so maybe some light joy gliding?


Tiffanie Boone, Actor

My spacecraft would be giant versions of all my dogs strapped together but with compartments like a kangaroo, you know, for dog treats, and whatever else I need to stash on our space adventures.


We’re not sure about space ships made of dogs (or whether our dog-loving actors would team up for a celestial canine caravan), but we sure had fun imagining all the adventures we’d go on with this cast and crew. Everybody wave at Quinn and Zach when we blast off! And stay tuned for more fun Q&A with HappyLand!