For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.
See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in HappyLand, February 10th - 25th!
Today we thought we’d get in the holiday AND HappyLand spirit, so we asked: Have you ever experienced love at first sight?
Sharvis Smith, Actor fruit ever!!
Will Miller, Musician, Smooth Goose
All the time in middle and high school, also when my wife walked up to me at a gig I was playing at the Biltmore Estate.
Gina McDaniel, Actor
Not exactly, but I have experienced a similar feeling. Four times upon meeting a person for the first time, I got the feeling that they would become a very important person in my life, and so far it's been right for every one of them. I ended up in love with three of them, and the fourth became one of my best friends.
Jason Phillips, Director
Love? Not so much. Unreasonable insane immediate attraction? You bet.
Evan Eckstrom, Actor, Set Designer/Builder/Painter
I saw my fiancee walk into a restaurant and smile. I asked my friends to give me 5 minutes. 6+ years later...
Elise Harvey, Actor
I am pretty sure I experience love at first sight every time I see a baby cow. It’s just a thing. They are unbearably adorable to me.
Bill Chameides, Actor
Yes. It was a disaster and ended with a very broken heart.
Quinn Terry, Actor
Yes, but not in a romantic sense! I met one of my oldest friends, Haley, in eighth grade on the stairs during recess and knew we'd be absolute menaces for years to come. Thirteen years later and we're still those weird goth kids when we get together.
Dwight Chiles, Actor
Love at first sight! I don’t know... Maybe? If I have, one side of the party didn’t know about it so nothing ever came from it.
Jamie Knox, Choreographer
I definitely knew I wanted to keep looking at Zach Knox at first sight
Zach Knox, Playwright, Musician, Smooth Goose
The first time I saw the woman who I’m now married to I knew she would be a major part of my life. She was smirking at me from a corner of the theatre with her leg jauntily propped against the wall. I thought she’d either be my nemesis or lover for life. And I was right.
Ah, love! And/or attraction! And/or infatuation! And/or imminent doom!
Whatever the outcome, there’s no doubt some people, places, and things have a strong, inexplicable sway over our hearts… and other things… like our stomachs!
And speaking of food love, don’t forget to visit our delicious friends at Hole Doughnuts this weekend to share some love with a fresh-fried fundraiser! Hole is sharing 10% of all sales February 17th through 19th with The Magnetic Theatre! Grab a donut and donate!