For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.
See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in HappyLand, February 10th - 25th!
Today we kept it simple: How did you get into theatre?
Bill Chameides, Actor
Growing up in NYC, my Dad ran a small theater group. My first theater experience: watching my father as Keller in All My Sons. I cried and theater has been in my blood ever since.
Morgan Miller, Actor
I went to a Magnet High School, where I “majored” in Theatre and was introduced to it as a career for the first time in my life, although I had always loved to sing.
Evan Eckstrom, Actor
3rd grade "All-Star Revue" in town I got cast as Peter Pan in "I Won't Grow Up" and I denied the role out of shyness. Been clamoring back into the spotlight since.
Jamie Knox, Choreographer
A traveling children's theatre held auditions in my home town and I got in.
Tiffanie Boone, Actor
I Watched a lot of musicals as a kid and in elementary school I saw my sister in South Pacific and thought “i wanna do that.”
Jason Phillips, Director
I loved the idea of being other people as a kid and whenever I had the chance to shed my shy side I would take a class or sign up for a talent show in school. I never really stopped.
Quinn Terry, Actor
My late grandmother signed me up for a summer theatre camp in Barnwell, South Carolina, near where I grew up. I was in third grade and absolutely terrified. I cried for weeks in terror as the camp approached. I had a small part, but something switched in me during that week. I was so excited to be able to be someone different on stage, and to work to improve for each show. I've been doing theatre ever since!
Dwight Chiles, Actor
My Dad introduced me to Musical Theatre via a DVD of Little Shop of Horrors and West Side Story and from then on...I was hooked.
Paula O’Brien, Actor
The nuns couldn’t put up with my brattiness any longer so they shoved me onto the school stage.
Zach Knox, Playwright, Musician, Sneaky Goose
The back door.
Oh, sheesh. Someone left the back door propped again. Do you want sneaky geese? Because that’s how you get sneaky geese.
Excuse us while we shoo this thing back out— but stay tuned for more quirky Q&A with these HappyLand hooligans!