For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.
See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in HappyLand, February 10th - 25th!
Today we’re wondering: Do you relate to your character or to any character in the show? How similar or different are you?
Elise Harvey, Actor
There are definitely days when I feel like I am the only person who seems distraught by and discontent with the world. I think I must be crazy since ‘everyone else’ seems to normalize and accept these explicit and implicit rules, norms, and expectations. However, my character is quite different as she is the one who feels like the only happy person amongst unhappy folks! Oh, Rhonda, you are an enigma to me…
Bill Chameides, Actor
Protagonist: lost, isolated, alienated but ready, at least in their dreams, to jump into the breach to save the world... and always dozing off at the wrong time. Yea, that's me.
Tippin, Set Designer
I relate most to one of Bill’s most spectacular characters. But in the interest of No Spoilers, ain’t gonna tell ya who or why.
Come see the show! ;P
Evan Eckstrom, Actor, Set Designer/Builder/Painter
Knifeguy is a complex individual. He just wants to help, but doesn't realize how close danger is at his very fingertips. A younger version of me relates to the reckless nature of Knifeguy's particular altruism.
Also the inner cynic in me feels in line with Sadland Tollbooth operator’s frank nature as well.
Jason Phillips, Director
Oddly I think I may be a little like Knifeguy. I try to be helpful and kind but my sarcastic tendencies and dry sense of humor often make people wonder if I’m sincere in my offers to help/befriend folks.
Quinn Terry, Actor
Knife Guy. I will not explain.
Dwight Chiles, Actor
I very much relate to my character. Sometimes I relate too much. It's easy to relate to the person who doesn’t feel like they "fit in" or doesn’t belong. Even the most confident people, I believe, can relate to that idea.
Will Miller, Musician, Smooth Goose
The protagonist, toxic positivity ain't my jam.
Zach Knox, Playwright, Musician, Smooth Goose
I’m a lot like the hipsters because everyone thinks they’re better than me.
Should we be worried that so many people relate to Knifeguy? Who IS this Knifeguy, and how on earth did he get the name?
You’ll just have to come see the show to find out. As Evan said, he’s a complex individual.